Our Core Values
We try to live by the following principles:
Academic integrity
- integrity is the foundation of science
- we always hold ourselves to the highest standards of scientific practice and honesty
Aim high and think big
- life is short, so solve important problems
Ideas not papers
- focus on creating new ideas, not publishing papers
Curiosity-driven research
- we have freedom to chose our direction
- we do not want to waste this gift
Ideas are not owned
- ideas emerge from experience
- they come with debts to those who came before
Research transparency
- ideas become stronger when shared
- transparency requires trust
- better ideas come from dialog
Respect for each other
- respect is independent of skill or background
- we are all a work in progress
We all do science
- we are all engaged in the scientific process, irrespective of background, education, or job title
- it takes many people to create a scientific environment
No task is too humble
- we never say “it's not my job” or turn away when something needs doing
Family friendly
- we never have to choose between life+family and science
- we work together to create new ways of working to support families
Gender equality
- every one of us is here because of our abilities and our passions
- we strive to create a scientific culture that is blind to gender
- we welcome everyone, irrespective of gender, race, LGBTQ status, culture, or religion
Open minded
- both scientifically and culturally
- we all come from different backgrounds and can learn from each other
- we benefit from an influx of ideas
- we engage deeply in open and respectful discussion
- we are curious and ask questions because we want learn
Code like you would for others
- our code is powerful when it is used by others
- we write code that we are proud to share
Science is a team sport
- play on a team and win as a team
Science happens in a community
- each of us represents the department and, consequently, each other
- we behave in a way that reflects well on all of us
Science is a privilege
- nobody is entitled to be here
- we have to earn this privilege every day
We are thankful to society
- we do science at the pleasure of the taxpayer
- we are responsible to the taxpayer and use their money wisely to do the best science possible
Ethical use of technology
- we are self critical about potential uses of our technology
- we are committed to the ethical use of AI that improves life rather than degrades it
Have fun
- when we do good work, we are having fun
- when we are having fun, we do good work