Yu-Tang Liu
Guest Scientist
Max-Planck-Ring 4
72076 Tübingen
Aamir Ahmad
I am interested in robotics and intelligent control system. The goal is to develop an intelligent robotic system such that a robot can learn how to perform a task in a fast and safe fashion. This is a new exciting field where AI meets well-established traditional control theory.
To achieve the goal several aspects need to be considered to achieve the goal: system stability, motion planning, path following, and so on. To solve these tasks efficiently, we leverage the ability of learning algorithms for dynamic modeling, uncertainty estimation, and policy learning. To test the idea, an autonomous blimp is built as the test bed for comparing the performance of different learning algorithms.
I have completed my Master's degree in Max Planck Institute Intelligent System and Automation and IT, Technical University of Cologn. Before that, I have done my Bachelor in Electrical Engineering from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.