Haiwen Feng
Ph.D. Student
72076 Tübingen
I'm a Ph.D. student (11.2021 - ) supervised by Prof. Dr. Michael J. Black, interested in computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning with a focus on visual inverse problem and controllable generative modeling.
Before starting my Ph.D., I finished my B.Sc. / M.Sc. in Physics at the University of Tübingen, Germany, while I was mainly conducting research as a HiWi on the topic of 3D shape and texture reconstruction, supervised by research scientists Dr. Timo Bolkart, Dr. Silvia Zuffi, and Prof. Dr. Michael J. Black in MPI-IS, and doing master thesis research on the topic of disentangled representation learning, co-supervised by Dr. Wieland Brendel and Prof. Dr. Matthias Bethge in Tübingen AI Center.
My personal page: havenfeng.github.io