NOTE: In September 2017 I moved to MPI-Informatics in Saarbrücken where I am heading the group "Real Virtual Humans".
For recent news, job offers, projects and publications, please visit my research group website.
I continue to collaborate with MPI-PS and I am an affilated researcher. This website however is not up to date.
- NEW! Awarded a starting grant (1.25 million euros for 5 years) from the ZD.B. to establish a research group on the topic Real Virtual Humans (RVHu). 7 proposals out 82 were accepted, 8.5%. RVHu was ranked 1st. Declined due to private reasons.
- NEW! Günter Enderle Best Paper Award at Eurographics 2017 for the paper Sparse Inertial Poser, see paper
- NEW! Two papers accepted at SIGGRAPH 2017! papers are up, videos coming soon!
- NEW! I will organize with Jonatahn Taylor the ICCV 2017 Workshop "PeopleCap: capturing and modelling human bodies, faces and hands". Submission deadline: July 19th.
- NEW! Lecturer at the Center for Learning Systems (MPI-ETH) research summer school. School is open to all Master students or recently graduated. Application deadline is April 30!
- NEW! Two papers accepted at CVPR 2017! 1 oral and 1 spotlight.
- NEW! Motion Capture from only 6 IMUs! Check our Eurographics paper
- NEW! Keynote speaker at workshop on social virtual interaction
- If you are at SIGGRAPH 2016 do not miss our tutorial on human body modelling! Modeling Human Bodies
- I will co-organize a tutorial at ICCV 2015 on how to build a digital human together with my colleagues in the body group! Modelling Human Bodies
- Press coverage for Dyna, our recent SIGGRAPH 2015 paper: wired, theverge,
- New paper at CVPR 2014, Posebits for Monocular Human Pose Estimation
- Best Science Paper Award BMVC 2013 for the paper Metric Regression Forests for Human Pose Estimation
- Research intern at Microsoft Research, Cambridge working on Human Pose Estimation from Kinect, July 2012 - September 2012
- Research stay at the Vision Group at the University of Toronto with Prof. David Fleet from January until June 2012.
- Slides of ICCV tutorial Looking at People: Generative Human Pose Estimation are available for download, pptx_and_videos , PDF_Slides
- Book chapter on Model Based Pose Estimation together with Bodo Rosenhahn, to appear in Guide to Visual Analysis of Humans : Looking at People. T. Moeslund, A. Hilton, V. Krueger, L. Sigal (eds.), Springer, 2011
- 2015 Sept.- Research scientist at Max Planck Instititute for Intelligent Systems.
- 2013 Sept. Postodctoral researcher at Max Planck Instititute for Intelligent Systems.
- 2012 Summer research internship at Microsoft Research Cambridge, hosts: Jamie Shotton and Andrew Fitzgibbon
- 2012 Visiting researcher at University of Toronto (UofT), Canada, host David J. Fleet
- 2009-2013 PhD Student, Leibniz University of Hannover, TNT lab, supervisor Bodo Rosenhahn
- 2007-2008 Master Thesis at Northeastern University, Boston, USA
- 2007 Telecomunications Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia, UPC
Lectures take place at the University of Tübingen and can be attended by all Master and PhD students of the University and MPI Tübingen.
- Summer term 2016: Computer Vision SS16 (jointly with Andreas Geiger and Javier Romero)
Current Ph.D interns

Past Ph.D interns
The lab for computer vision at the Max Planck for Informatics in Saarbrücken has 2 Open PhD positions on the areas of
- Human and cloth capture from images, videos and 3D scans
- Deep learning for generative models of humans in clothing
- 3D human pose estimation and tracking using deep learning
- Motion capture and performance capture
- Reconstructing human motion from sparse Inertial Measurement Units (IMU)
Candidates should have:
- Strong mathematical background
- Strong programming skills one of (C++, Python, matlab)
- Experience working with 3D meshes and knowledge on 3D tools is desired but a not must (e.g. OpenGL)
- Knowledge/experience in deep learning
PhD students will work on cutting edge research at the intersection between vision, graphics and learning. Research will require knowledge of deep learning, geometry processing and computer vision.
Open positions for research internships on similar areas as above. Research interns are typically enrolled in a PhD program and stay for 6 months.
Contact me for details.