Perceiving Systems, Computer Vision

Scans to Avatars

7 November 2012


How can we take a 3D body scan from an turn it into a detailed and lifelike avatar? This video provides a detailed look at the state of the art research at the Max Planck Institue for Intelligent Systems on converting scans to avatars. The video shows 1) construction of a 3D body model from a database of 3D scans 2) extraction of accurate body measurements from the avatar 3) animation of the avatar with realistic non-rigid deformations that are learned from examples 4) editing body shape to create new bodies or to change the shape of a scanned body 5) dressing any body shape in clothing that fits properly and deforms realistically. The resulting in digital avatars the look realistic, deform like real people, and can serve as a proxy for clothing shopping or clothing try-on. Project page:
